Saturday, January 1, 2011

Today and Every day...

Happy New Year!

Jake and I had a few people over last night to celebrate the coming in of brand new year full of new opportunities and memories to be made.  The first memory made in this new year was after people left to go home and snuggle and go to bed.  Jake and I were being nerds and checking Facebook before heading to bed ourselves and the New Years concerts were playing on the tv in the background.  Train was introduced back on stage to sing their new song "Marry Me," and my sweet husband gets up and asks me to dance in the living room  to this sweet song.  I wasn't sure if I liked this song until last night, but now I love it and I've been humming it ever since.  So today and every day of this year I'm looking forward to the sweet memories that we get to make together.

Enjoy the song...

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